
Bio-individuality - a big word with a simple meaning:  what works for one person might not necessarily work for another.  We are all individuals and one size does not fit all.  It's important to do our research before jumping on any bandwagons.

For example, over the last few years the Ketogenic Diet has gained incredible traction; prior to that (and still very popular) it was Paleo

Intermittent Fasting has become mainstream over the last couple of years (although it's been around since primitive times).  And of course, "carbohydrate" is now a dirty word!!!  The arguments for, or against, any of the above (and many other) diets can be very compelling.

No matter what, it is so very tempting to get lured into what is working for someone else.

The problem is that we are all individuals, and one person's food can be another person's poison.  Food allergies are raging right now.   Plus our age, our sex, our stress levels, the type of job we have (ie - desk vs construction), our body type, our health... every one of these factors and more will dictate what may or may not work for us.   And so often it simply comes with trial and error.

Of course there are the basics we all know - avoid too much sugar, too many processed grains, too much saturated fat (although some would debate this!), too much processed food... the list goes on.

And perhaps more importantly, good health isn't JUST about the food on our plates.  We also need to consider our state of mind (aka stress) and our physical health.  

In summary:

  • One size does not fit all

  • Do your homework

  • Don't be discouraged if you try something and it isn't working for you. It simply may not be right for YOU.

  • Consider what else is going on in your life - are you feel overwhelmed, anxious, stressed? All of these feelings can have an impact on how food reacts in your body. I will address that in my next blog!