Switching it up for 2021...

Happy New Year!

So how are your resolutions coming along?

What about me, you ask? Thankfully, this year has been different. In past years, I typically pulled my classic three day “gung ho” approach, and then, like clockwork, started to see cracks (big cracks… holes actually). It wasn’t pretty.

But, this year, I was prepared. I had decided before I made resolutions to put a safety net in place. Specifically, that when I fell off (because I will), rather than berate myself, I would have tools in place to get back on.

We are 10 days in, and so far so good. Yes, I know - it's early days ;-). But it doesn’t matter how many times I fall off (there already have been a few scrapes) because I am determined to get back on. I’m tired of getting to the end of the year (hah… the end of the week!) and feeling that I haven’t achieved certain things I’ve set out to achieve.

One thing I know for sure is I’m not alone in this. Most people struggle with something in their lives they want to change, especially when it comes to food and exercise. My challenges happen to lie elsewhere (although it hasn’t always been that way), but it doesn’t matter. According to Charlie Gilkey, author of Start Finishing, they all come down to the same five elements to achieving your goals/resolutions/targets… whatever word you use.

  • Intention

  • Awareness

  • Boundaries

  • Courage

  • Discipline

I share all of this with you for two reasons. First of all, as a wellness coach, it’s important to understand the challenges my clients are up against. And I know first hand how challenging it can be to make long-term changes, especially when it comes to food and lifestyle. As I alluded to above, I have been there.

The road to long-term change includes a clear understanding of what you want and why, combined with unwavering commitment; knowing there will be highs and lows; knowing how to get back up when you are down, and always celebrating the small wins. Having a clear plan and a cheerleader on your side also helps :)

The second reason I shared the information at the beginning is because I want to let you know about one of my goals for 2021.

Switching things up
This year, gbwellness is shifting gears.

gbwellness is now dedicated to optimizing brain health and longevity for women over 50, empowering them/us to lead a life full of vitality and clarity.

I can’t think of a better way to kick off 2021 - our brain is our powerhouse. It dictates every movement we make, every thought we think, every breath we breathe, every word we speak, every memory we have. It’s the big boss – literally the most metabolically active organ in our body, needing more nutrients than any other organ in our body.

With respect to aging, we are living longer, but not necessarily healthier. And let me tell you, if you feel crappy now, it’s only going to get worse if no changes are made.

Our behaviour either accelerates or decelerates the aging process.

Chronic diseases are rampant, including diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), high blood cholesterol, asthma, heart disease and strokes, among others.

Chronic diseases are also generally progressive. For example, hypertension could lead to heart disease or diabetes. Note that heart disease is the leading cause of premature death for women in both Canada and the US.

And of course, Alzheimer’s disease, affecting two times as many women as men, and starting in our brains decades before symptoms appear.

But there is good news!
The good news is that chronic diseases are lifestyle diseases. How is that good? Because it means we have the power and control to make the necessary changes.

The key is to start now.

If we want to live out this next phase of our life full of vigour, vitality and clarity, we need intention, awareness, boundaries, courage and discipline.

And for those of you under 50, please don’t think I’m abandoning you! Everything I share will be relevant for all women. Having said that… if this ends up not being your gig, I totally understand.

These newsletters at times may be shorter and delivered more often; other times, depending on the subject, will remain the same… a little longer and more detailed.

What I promise is that everything I send will be relevant and meaningful, with the underlying premise of ensuring you have the most up to date information on how to live your best life going forward, while taking care of the most precious organ in your body… your brain.

Thanks for reading!

gillian xx
PS - I would love to help if you need a plan to follow, a cheerleader on the sidelines, an accountability coach to keep you focussed… whatever it takes to help you get back on track and set the stage for a life full of vitality and clarity. Reach me here.