How to get back up when you fall

There have been so many emails over the last couple of weeks regarding our New Year's resolutions – how to achieve them; what to call them (resolutions, goals, intentions, aspirations); how to structure them; how not to fail. And the list goes on.

What is so striking, though, is how few people follow through on them. Three weeks seems to be the time when the wheels start to fall off. And this doesn't just apply to New Year's resolutions - it also applies to any situation where we plan to make a change, such as losing weight, starting to exercise or embracing new time management skills (me!).  So what to do when you "fall off the wagon?"

You get back up!

 How, you ask?

  • If your goal is too lofty, make it smaller, specific and more achievable. And then get back up. 

  • Does it fit into your schedule? If not, make it sure it does. Then get back up.

  • If you’ve set too many goals, pare back, maybe even to just one. Break it down into bite size pieces if necessary. And then get back up. 

  • Do you need help? Zero shame in joining a group or getting help. Just get back up.

  • Find someone to do it with. And let them help you get back up.

  • Have you created an environment to help you achieve your goal?  Perhaps leaving your walking/running clothes out the night before, or removing all the chips from the kitchen chip cupboard? Great! Now get back up.

  • Revisit your reasons for setting the goal. What motivated you to set this goal? Tap into "the why" and "the want". Is it to boost your energy level? Improve your mood? Combat disease? Again, tap into these reasons. And then get back up :)

Important things to know
Know there is never going to be a perfect time.
Know that whatever you're trying to achieve isn’t supposed to be easy. 
Know that we aren’t perfect.
Know that change is never as rapid or transformative as we would like it to be.
Know that slipping up is going to be inevitable.
Know that you are capable of doing this.
And now get back up. 

Thanks for reading :)

Gillian x

PPS - Note that year after year, getting healthy is THE most popular New Years resolution, whether it's eating healthier, exercising more or losing weight. If you need help either implementing or sticking to your health focussed resolution(s), reach out here or respond to this email. I'd love to help you get there.