Covid 19: What will you do differently after it's over?

Yes, it’s been a while!  I hope this email finds you safe, secure and healthy.

I confess I’ve avoided adding to the melee of advice we have been receiving over the past few weeks, whether it be through emails, social media or the news.   I have found it all a bit overwhelming and made the assumption, rightly or wrongly, that you have found it overwhelming as well.
But something in yesterday's Globe and Mail not only resonated with me, but inspired me to stop and reflect.  It was a letter to the editor, in response to Elizabeth Renzetti’s article in Saturday's Globe.  And I thought I would share.  

The letter to the editor was as follows:

Re: Nothing will be perfect again and that’s just fine (Opinion April 11)

Ten things I’ll do after COVID-19:

I’ll wash my hands more often.  I’ll stay home if I’m sick.  I’ll get vaccinated.  I’ll thank people working at the grocery store.  I’ll donate more.  I’ll support a basic income.  I’ll want better care for seniors.  I’ll value science.  I’ll recognize the efforts of front line workers.  I’ll be very grateful to be Canadian.  
Reinhart Reithmeier, Toronto

That got me thinking… what ten things will I do differently?   More importantly, what ten things will I commit to doing differently (some things are easy to say and difficult to follow through).
I’ve included my list below, and my challenge you is this:  Make your own list, put it away until this is all over, and then pull it out.   And commit.
My list of ten things I’ll do after COVID-19:
I will wash my hands more often and for longer.  I will check in with friends and family more regularly.   I will do more virtual get togethers with friends far away.  I will invite neighbours over for tea.  I will recognize the effort of frontline workers.  I will go to the grocery store less.  I will grow a vegetable garden.  I will walk more.  I will say “I love you” more.  I will give more of my time to those who may need a helping hand.

What about you  - what will you commit to?    I would love it if you could share your list with me... it would be so inspiring to send out a post with a long list of what people are going to do differently once this is over.  Often sharing with others generates action.

In the meantime, as always, I am available for online nutrition coaching via Zoom, FaceTime or phone, and will be donating a portion of every dollar to both The Stop Food Community Centre and the Regent Park Food Community Centre.   

I am also considering taking my business to the streets/trails 😀.   For those of you in, or close to, the neighbourhood of Yonge and St. Clair, Toronto, I am creating a one-on-one, early morning "Walk and Talk Wellness Reset" program, which of course will respect social distancing rules.   Stay tuned for more details.

Best wishes to you all with whatever situation this new reality finds you in.   

As always, thanks for reading :)

gillian x
PS - if you are a frontline worker, thank you for everything you are doing.