Bloating Blues

Bloating Basics

Do you experience bloating on a fairly regular basis?  Or, just occasionally but in great distress when it hits?  I was in the second camp for a long time, thinking it was normal. 

It's not!

Most of the time, bloating is due to a build-up of gas created during digestion.  This can be caused by an imbalance of gut bacteria, food sensitivities, a lack of digestive enzymes or a combination of these factors.   Bloating can go from being a nagging irritant to an embarrassing "clear the room" problem.   

Are there certain foods that cause bloating?
Yes!  There is a category of foods called FODMAP foods (foods high in fermentable carbohydrates) found in many everyday foods, including fruits, vegetables, gluten, dairy, beans, lentils and many more.  Click here for a list of high and low FODMAP foods.  If you react to some of these foods, it could be related to a bacterial imbalance in your gut, or that your have a sensitivity to a particular food.  

Lack of fibre can also cause bloating, as fibre feeds our good gut bacteria (ie - we want this), as well as helps things move through our system.  To ensure you are getting adequate fibre, make sure you are eating a variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole grains and beans/legumes.  

I'm confused...
It may seem counter intuitive, as many of the FODMAP foods are high in fibre.  It's a matter of paying attention to exactly what may be causing your issues... whether it's certain FODMAP foods or a lack of fibre overall.  How do you know if you aren't getting enough fibre?  If you are eating a lot of breads, pasta and other white processed foods (where most of the fibre has been taken out), combined with minimal vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes and nuts, you can safely assume you aren't getting the fibre you need on a daily basis ;-)

Even more confusing... 
If you aren't getting your fibre, and start to "clean up" your diet, including adding in fibre, bloating may occur!  Don't worry.  It's usually just temporary.  It takes your body a bit of time to adjust to increased fibre, so introduce it slowly.  But if your bloating lasts for a while, you may consider seeking nutritional help or check in with your doctor.  

Does anything else cause bloating?
Sadly, yes.  Stress compromises our digestive function, including decreasing our digestive enzymes which break down our food.  "Bad" bacteria will feed on undigested food particles and can cause bloating, as well as contributing an overall bacterial imbalance in the gut.

So where do I start?

  • Keep a food journal - start to notice when you are bloating and see if there are certain foods that might be causing it. Eliminate that food from your diet and see if you notice a difference.

  • Slowly increase your intake of fibre. Ideally, women should be having approx 25g/day and men 38g/day (1 c raw spinach = 2.4g fibre; 1/2 cup lentils = 7.8g)

  • Decrease sugar and simple starches (highly processed foods like cereals, muffins, etc). These contribute to gut imbalances.

  • Drink soothing digestive teas such as Cumin, Coriander and Fennel Tea. Peppermint and ginger are also good for digestion.

  • Gentle exercise is great for bloating - yoga and walking are both ideal.

  • Sit and relax when you are eating - your digestive system will thank you.

  • Be calm. Yes, easier said than done. Deep breathing exercises and meditation are both great options.

*NOTE:   there could be other serious underlying issues to bloating, especially if it comes on suddenly.   If that's the case, or your bloating persists no matter what you do, see your doctor before making any changes to your diet.

Thanks for reading!   If you have any comments, or topics you would like me to cover, email me at   Also, feel free to check out my blogs.

With gratitude,
